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Welcome to Gwyn Jones Reception



Our Intent is our curriculum, our plan and what we are going to teach, which is a balance between formal lessons which follow the Development Matters curriculum, identifying gaps in cohort learning and meeting these; and a child-initiated/ adult-led hybrid educational approach, with carefully planned continuous provision and an enabling environment that evolves to meet the needs of our cohort. 


Our Implementation is our Pedagogy, what we do, how we teach and present our curriculum. What we do in the everyday to ensure the children make progress. We follow planning in the moment to meet children’s needs and move on learning in moment, through meaningful conversations, modelling and facilitation, or providing/ extending learning opportunities to move on learning within the enabling environment through enhancements, group work, challenges, invitations to play, interactions in play. Alongside this we also teach short formal lessons in Phonics, Maths, Literacy, Understanding the World, Art, Music and P.E following children’s interests and in a way that Reception children can access learning. 


Our impact is reviewing teaching and assessing learning in the moment. This shows we make a difference. The children make good progress from their starting point. Impact is shown through formative assessments in the moment and our observations for each child, which are recorded on Tapestry, and shared with parents. We meet with parents termly to discuss next steps and children’s interests. Impact is also shown through summative assessments. 

Our Curriculum and Goals

Story Time- Click on the videos to hear them!

grandad's islandzog(2)Billy and the beastgiantScreen Shot 2020-06-08 at 10.14.19Whatever next.MOV

Mark making and Creating together 

Problem solving and playing games

Here are some fun movement ideas!

Here are some fun mark making ideas!

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