Join the Gwyn Jones Family
Admissions to Nursery:
Children can be registered for our Nursery by contacting the school office and completing a Nursery application form. Children can start nursery the term after they turn 3, when Nursery funding begins.
The times for Nursery are:
Morning Nursery 8:45am to 11:45am
Afternoon Nursery 12:15pm to 3:15pm
Full day 8:45am -3:15pm ( a limited number of places are available)
We offer 15 hours free Nursery as 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.
We also offer 30 hour places equal to 9 sessions with an option to pay for an additional session for £30
Please contact the school office for further information:
There is a universal entitlement for all 3 and 4 year old children to access 15 hours (FEEE) of free childcare. Children are eligible in the term after their 3rd birthday.
An additional 15 hours free early education entitlement (FEEE) is available for working families (subject to criteria). This combined with the 15 hours FEEE could provide up to a total of 30 hours FEEE. Parents can check if they are eligible for 30 hour nursery provision by visiting Parents are provided with a code to use to claim their entitlement. Parents who are not entitled to 30 hours FEEE can pay for additional hours.
In order to provide continuity of care, Gwyn Jones Primary funds a half hour lunch break between 11.45-12.15pm. Children can have a school dinner or they will need to bring a packed lunch and are supervised during this time. There is a daily charge for this time period.
We also offer an early years breakfast (7.45 to 8.45) and early years after school club (3.15 to 6pm) at an additional cost.
Children are eligible to start at Gwyn Jones Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. Places are allocated according to age with priority given to:
· children who are looked after children (LAC) or have been previously looked after (PLAC).
· Children with an EHCP.
· sibling children
· children living in the local area
· Children with additional needs will be considered individually.
Parents are able to request a preference for either session or a full-time place but we cannot guarantee that all preferences will be met. Please note that admission to Gwyn Jones Nursery does not guarantee your child a school place at statutory school age.
Admissions to the School at Reception age (the year in which the child is five years old):
Children are admitted into Reception in September. If your child attends our Nursery you must still apply for a Reception place. We have 60 Reception places (PAN).
We follow the Waltham Forest admissions policy which can be found below. The local authority allocate places. If there are more applications than there are places available Waltham Forest will use the following criteria, in priority order, to decide who should be offered a place at our school:
Priority 1 – Looked After Children or Children ‘At Risk’
Priority 2 – Medical or social reasons
Priority 3 – Siblings (not if out of area)
Priority 4 – School Staff Children
Priority 5 – Distance from school
(definitions of the groups above can be found on the Waltham Forest website).
If your child is not offered a place at one of the schools you listed, you have the right to appeal for a place at your preferred school. You can only appeal once for a place in the same school in the same academic year, please visit the Waltham Forest appeals website for more information.
Children who have a Education Health Care plan (EHCP) are placed in schools under the terms of the Education Act 1996 and not through the admissions criteria referred to above.
Children who have a EHCP will be allocated a place at the school named on their EHCP.
If your child attends our school Nursery or has an older sibling at Gwyn Jones Primary School, you must still apply for a Reception place. Applications should be made through the Waltham Forest e-admissions website.
If your child is not offered a place at one of the schools you listed on your application form, you have the right to appeal for a place at your preferred school. You can only appeal once for a place in the same school in the same academic year.
You can find out more about how to appeal an admissions place here on the Waltham Forest admissions website.
Our school induction programme includes a meeting for all new Reception parents and carers in June and July before the children start school, along with opportunities for the children to come and meet their teacher and play with their new classmates. Informal parent and carer sessions provide the opportunity to meet other parents and carers and ask questions about school routines and school life.
In September, as part of our admissions we undertake home visits to all our new Reception children and children start their new classes on a staggered basis to ensure children are settled in their new classes.
In year tranfers/admissions
All admissions to our school during the year and in different year groups are handled by Waltham Forest pupil admissions service, who hold the school waiting list and can be contacted on 0208 496 3000.
You can apply online for in-year applications via Citizen Portal. The portal can be accessed via the Council's Website - please search 'school admissions' and click on 'in year admissions'.
For telephone admissions advice please call 0208 496 3000 or for information regarding primary to secondary transition.
We would be delighted to welcome you to our school. If you are considering applying for a place please contact the office so that we can make an appointment to show you around.
Below is the School Prospectus. This contains lots of information about the school, including:
* timetable- start/finish times
* information on attendance and holidays
*details about uniform
Starting School
Timings of the School Day
Start Time |
Break Time |
Lunch Time |
Breaktime |
Home Time |
Nursery |
Morning - 8:45am-11:45am |
(for full time Nursery children) 11:15am-12:15pm |
12:15pm-3:15pm |
Reception |
8:45am |
N/A |
11:30am-12:30pm |
N/A |
3:15pm |
Years 1 and 2 |
8:45am |
10:00-10:15 |
12:00pm-1:00pm |
2:00pm -2:10pm |
3:15pm |
Years 3 and 4 |
8:45am |
10:15-10:30 |
12:00pm-1:00pm |
N/A |
3:15pm |
Years 5 and 6 |
8:45am |
10:30-10:45 |
12:30pm-1:30pm |
N/A |
3:15pm |
Total hour per week: 32.5 |
We ask children to wear a red sweatshirt or cardigan, either plain or with the school logo embroidered on which are available from the following website:
Or from the monthly PTSA upcycle shop at school.
The rest of the uniform is as follows:
-Black or grey trousers, black or grey shorts, black or grey skirt or black or grey dress/pinafore.
-white shirt, t-shirt. Polo shirt
-White, red or grey socks or tights
-Black shoes or trainers
For years 1-6, they will also need to come to school wearing a PE kit consisting of a white t-shirt, black/grey shorts, black /grey tracksuit bottoms, red jumper and trainers.
No jewellery is allowed in school.