Message sent from:

Board of Governors

Chair of Governors

Elizabeth Jackson, Co-opted Governor.  Co-opted by the full GB.  Term 02.07.22-02.07.26.  Pecuniary interests 05.09.23: None 

I am a retired Head teacher and have a strong desire to continue to work with a school such as Gwyn Jones where all have a belief in education in the broadest sense. I believe in providing a wealth of experience and opportunity for all children within a supportive and nurturing environment while equipping them with the skills, confidence and resilience for an ever changing world."

Pat Hayes, Local Authority Governor. Appointed by LA. Term: 31.08.22-31.08.26.  Finance Commitee.  Pecuniary interests 02.10.19: None 
"I became a local authority governor twenty years ago because, despite at the time not having children, I was convinced of the importance of primary education in determining people's life chances and of the importance of local authorities in raising and maintaining educational standards.  This is even truer today and I hope that I continue to make a useful contribution offering more than institutional memory.  A former chair of governors and a parent governor at a nearby secondary school, I was a local councillor and have worked for many years as a senior local government officer.  My areas of expertise include planning, housing, HR, finance, local authority legislation and designing/building new schools."
Rik McShane, Co-opted Governor.  Co-opted by the full GB.  Term 23.01.22-23.01.26.  Pecuniary interests 19.01.24 None 
"With all four of my children attending Gwyn Jones, I felt it was very important to support the school and community that was giving them such a great environment to learn and develop. I have lived in East London for 18 years and am committed to ensuring that our community services continue to thrive. I started as an Associate Governor and having worked at board level management across a variety of retail companies bring HR, business and operational experience to the governing body. Now co -opted to the full board, I am working in setting up early years nurseries to deliver outstanding childcare across east London."


Lisa Greenwood, Parent Governor.  Term 04.12.2020-03.12.2024.  Elected by parents.  CCFC committee.  Pecuniary interests 12.01.22 none

My professional background is in client relations in the private sector (despite being a Music graduate!) and I am also a qualified breastfeeding counsellor, volunteering on the National Breastfeeding Helpline. I am also co-Chair of Inclusivity for the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.I have been a Gwyn Jones parent since 2014, and it is a joy to be part of a school that reflects the wider community.  Having been a “Free School Meals kid” that has benefited from education (both academically and creatively), it’s great to have the opportunity to give something back."

Sarita Morris, Co-opted Govenor. Term 13.01.2021- 12.01.2025. Elected by Governing Body CCFC committee.  Pecuniary interests 13.09.23 none
"I am a recently retired primary school teacher. My roles have included teaching languages in secondary schools, working for the Multicultural Development Service in Waltham Forest and teaching in an international school abroad. I am committed to education that nurtures the whole child and supports their well-being whilst giving a broad range of opportunities – not just academic."
Jezebel Button-Sands Parent Governor.  Term 22.03.2024- 21.03.2028  Elected by parents.  Pecuniary interests 
I grew up in London and feel strongly about raising my children in the same multicultural and diverse environment which is why I have chosen to send them to Gwyn Jones. I am an occupational therapist who has experience of child and adolescent mental health services, supporting children to attend school from hospital and safeguarding. This gives me great insight into the challenges children's wellbeing is faced with today. I want to use my experience both professional and personal to support the school in any way I can.
Atif Riaz Parent Governor.  Term 22.03.2024- 21.03.2028  Elected by parents.  Pecuniary interests 
I am the proud father of two beautiful girls who attend Gwyn Jones primary school. I feel deeply committed to contribute to its success not only for them, but for all our children as they are undoubtedly the foundations on which our future will be built and prosper. My professional experience spans over 15 years. I am an operations executive and lead web architect for a health care and technology company. I am confident that my experience, passion, and commitment to our school's success can play a crucial role in upholding its vision of "Inspiring and Empowering" for all our children.
Qasim Kazmi Co-opted Governor by the full GB.  Term 22.09.2022- 22.09.2026. Elected by Governing Body.  CCFC committee.  Pecuniary interests 06.07.22 none
Nicola McEwen , Coopted Governor- Vice Chair Term 11.1.23 to  10.1.27 Pecuniary interests 13.09.2023: None
Formerly a parent governor at Gwyn Jones while my children were pupils, I was keen to continue my involvement with the school as a co-opted governor. My work as a legal aid solicitor brings an understanding of the challenges faced by some families, and I recognise that education is key to giving all children the best chance in life. I want to help ensure that Gwyn Jones continues to provide a broad education and caring environment to enable all children in our community to thrive and succeed.
Sian Boutalbi, Head Teacher Governor.  Pecuniary interests: :03.9.23.  None
Amina AhmedStaff Governor. Term 20.9.24-21.9.28 . Pecuniary interests: :30.9.24.  None 
Cristina Neagu, Parent Governor. Term 1.11.24-2.11.28 . Pecuniary interests: :10.11.24.  None
I have lived in Leytonstone for the past 10 years and welcome the opportunity to become involved in and contribute to the school and the wider community through the parent governor role. My professional background is in architecture, having worked for several well-respected architectural practices in London over the past 18 years. I am therefore particularly interested in the physical environment of the school, both indoors and outdoors, and how it can contribute to children's learning, health, and wellbeing. 
Governors whose terms of office ended in the last 12 months
Angela Wallace- parent governor
Adam Brunlett-parent governor
Simon Bond- parent Governor
Tamara Joseph- staff governor

The governors at Gwyn Jones work with the headteacher, Mrs Boutalbi, to ensure that Gwyn Jones delivers a good quality education and supportive learning environment.  The headteacher is responsible for day-to-day management; the governors set the aims and policies for the school.  They have three main roles:

  •        Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  •        Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  •        Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

The full board of governors meets every half-term.  There are also two sub-committees which are able to look at issues in more detail.  The board of governors has also appointed link governors to act as the liaison between the board and specific subject/curriculum areas or aspects of the work of the school. To find our more about what the role of a governor is, please click here


Governor sub-committees

Finance & Resources:
Termly meetings covering school budget setting and monitoring, teachers' pay review, personnel and premises matters. Members:
  • Rik McShane- Committee Chair
  • Elizabeth Jackson
  • Pat Hayes
  • Sian Boutalbi
  • Nicola McEwen
  • Atif Riaz
Curriculum,Children, Families and Community: 
Termly meetings covering school curriculum, progress, attainment, safeguarding, SEN and communication matters.  Members:
  • Sarita Morris - Chair of committee
  • Sian Boutalbi
  • Elizabeth Jackson
  • Amina Ahmed
  • Lisa Greenwood 
  • Qasim Kamzi
  • Jezabel Button-Sands
  • Cristina Neagu

Terms of Reference

Full GB Minutes of Meetings 23-24

CCFC Minutes of Meetings 23-24

Resources Minutes of Meetings 23-24

Full GB minutes of meetings 22-23

CCFC minutes of meetings 22-23

Resources minutes of meetings 22-23

Link Governors

The Board of Governors has appointed Link Governors to act as the liaison between the Governing Body and specific subject / curriculum areas or aspect of the work of the school.

The role of a Link Governor is as a source of support to the school and a source of information for the governing body.

  • Inclusion, SEN and Looked after children: Jezebel Button-Sands
  • Vulnerable children including Pupil Premium and Sports Premium: Elizabeth Jackson
  • Attendance & Behaviour and Rights Respecting: Atif Riaz
  • Health & Safety: Pat Hayes
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Children: Rik McShane
  • Computing and Maths : Lisa Greenwood
  • Early Years: Rik McShane
  • Literacy/Oracy and Science/Eco: Sarita Morris
  • GDPR & Website: Qasim Kazmi
  • Arts/Languages and Rights Respecting: Cristina Neagu

Annual Governance statement

Attendance at meetings and Declarations of interests 2023-24

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